Saturday, June 30, 2007


what is this even i dont know. i will just guess to offer my opinion on which you can choose to react.its getting obsessed with some notion of idealism which may be anything and trying to achieve that or trying to create a situation after which you will be able to achieve your ideal or goal. the stage during which you are consumed with thsi strong and passionate desire, you are a romantic and the phenomenon may be called romanticism.everyone goes through this and most common are the youth who have some abstract notion which even they cant figure out correctly. this is what is consuming me and i am myself trying to clear my though by writing in this forum. youth are totally gripped into romanticism at some phasees of youthfulness . after some harsh reality of life, this phase dies and or the fire turns into ashes. everybody says that its not feasible and u r just romantic and you will come out of it. this view predominates for most of us and we change for ever and always thinking if we have done this or done that we will be more happy or how the world would have changed around you for better? can we afford to spend whole life thinking what if i had done this may be i will be more happy?waiting for the comments on it.

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